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How your baby and toddler undergo amazing cognitive development in their first 6 years

Wie Ihr Baby und Kleinkind in den ersten 6 Jahren eine erstaunliche kognitive Entwicklung durchläuft
Cognitive development in kids

As parents, we only want the best for our children. We want to support and encourage their development so that they can reach their full potential. An important aspect of this development is cognitive development, the ability to learn, think, speak and understand. In this blog post I would like to give you an overview of the cognitive development of babies and toddlers in the first 6 years and how you can support your child in discovering the world.

The different phases of cognitive development in babies and toddlers

Cognitive development in babies and young children goes through different phases, each with their own abilities and characteristics. The first phase is the sensory-motor phase, which lasts from birth to 2 years of age. During this stage, babies learn to use their senses and coordinate their bodies. They explore their surroundings by touching, shaking, throwing and tasting objects. In the preoperational phase, which lasts from 2 to 7 years, children's language and imagination improve. They begin to understand the world around them and can grasp simple concepts such as numbers and shapes. During this phase they also develop their ability to empathize with others.

How parents can support their child's cognitive development

There are many ways you can support your child in their cognitive development. Here are some tips for each stage of development: During the sensory-motor phase, you should allow your baby to explore their surroundings on their own. Offer him toys that he can touch and put in his mouth to stimulate his senses. Talk to him and describe what he sees and experiences. In the preoperational phase, you can help your child develop his imagination and understanding of the world around him by reading books to him, playing simple games, and asking him puzzles. Let him learn things at his own pace without overwhelming him.

Signs of developmental problems and what parents can do

It is important to know that every child has their own rate of development, and some children may be slower than others. However, if you see signs that your child is having difficulty developing, you should speak to your pediatrician. Here are some warning signs of developmental problems:

  • Your child does not reach important milestones (e.g. cannot sit or crawl alone)
  • Your child has difficulty following simple instructions or pronouncing simple words
  • Your child shows no interest in playing or interacting with others

Summary and Outlook

Cognitive development is an important part of a child's development and can influence how they learn and develop in the future. By supporting your child's cognitive development, you can help them reach their potential and become a successful and happy adult.

In this blog post, we discussed the different stages of cognitive development in babies and toddlers and how parents can help their children improve their skills at each stage. We also discussed what warning signs could indicate possible developmental problems and what you as a parent should do to help your child if they are having difficulties. As parents, it is important to remember that each child has their own rate of development. While some children learn faster than others, other children may take longer to reach certain milestones. The most important thing is to give your child time and space to develop and help them grow in a positive and supportive way.


I hope that this blog post has given you as a parent a good overview of your baby or toddler's cognitive development and how you can support your child to improve their skills. As a mother, I understand how important it is to ensure that your child is on the best path to development. By following the recommendations in this guide, you can ensure your child receives the best possible support and advances their cognitive development in the right way.